Thursday 20 August 2015


English is an essential tool for economic development. Government of Pakistan defines English as ‘official language’ of the country, and Urdu is considered the ‘national language’. In Pakistan, all official communication is conducted in English even its constitutional laws are written in English. Therefore, become an English literate citizen with Spirit Academy and contribute to the development of Pakistan’s economy. Spirit Academy motivates you to learn English and recognize its importance. In Pakistan, English language is mostly used within government, educational institutions, urban centers and business.  Also, the people of wealthy social classes use English as their everyday language.

To improve one’s level of English in a better way, one needs a proper individual attention of a learned English home tutor. Spirit Academy promises to provide highly devoted home tutors for all types of English learning which includes; Spoken English, Academic English of all classes, University level English courses, IELTS, TOEFL, Basic English Language and Grammar. Learning English from our devoted tutors will benefit you in getting a good job as English is a key requirement for all jobs in Pakistan.

Pakistani individuals need to learn and improve English language skills to seek improved employment prospects. Learn to speak, read, listen and write English with Spirit Academy in order to communicate in the international business world. Spirit Academy is one of the top ranking academies of Lahore in having a team of highly qualified and devoted English home tutors for all grades and levels. 
We focus on our students’ improved language skills and help them learn more of it.

Based on trade interviews, data from the Pakistani Government’s Statistics Division and other government bodies, Euromonitor International Ltd. estimates that around 49% of the total population spoke English to intermediate level in 2009. This was expected to rise to 58% by 2015 and the salary gap between someone who speaks English and someone who cannot is 10-15%.

If you are eager to be an English literate citizen, just call us to get the best English home tutor and learn to speak, listen, write and read English.

Thanks for your interest in Spirit Academy/Tutors in Lahore.

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